If you have a Google Pixel Phone and Spotify Premium.
Add to a playlist using the Google Pixel's 'Now Playing' ambient feature. When your Pixel device detects a song is playing, that song (if found on the Now Playing database) will be added to a Spotify Playlist.
- No ads.
- No duplicate songs.
- You can change the playlist name.
- Battery saving.
- More accurate searching songs than IFTTT method. The app get the notification title
from 'Now playing' and it removes the word 'by'.
- Auto restart after reboot.
In my case i have Spotify Premium with Facebook and the Spotify app in phone and it is working. Let me know if something goes wrong please.
More features is coming.
- Different playlist different moments of the day. - Are you in the gym? -
- Is Google auto activated?
And Let me know how it says 'by' in your language and i will update the app, thank you.
- English: 'by'
- Spanish: 'de'
- German: "von"
- French: "par"
- Italian: "di"
- Dutch: "van"
- Polish: "–"
- Portuguese: "de"
- Russian: song ", " artist
- Japanese: song "("artist")"
https://jmperezperez.com/spotify-dedup/ ----> Remove duplicated songs from your playlists and saved songs.